Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday, May 19th (Day 9)

Today was the last game day for Proctor for the spring season. I met Kelly at 10:30 in the athletic trainer's room after my medical science class. When I got to the training room, I went over the cranial nerves, reviewed them and clarified any issues I had with them to Kelly. I think she will probably quiz me on all of them tomorrow. Nick Libby gets a special shout out today for his volunteer work. After Kelly ran over the assessments of the shoulder and the knee, yet another time, Nick graciously volunteered to have the tests performed on him. I performed knee tests for patellar tracking, ACL, and osteochrondral defect. I think I am going to remember all the tests from all the practice I had. Today we did our fair share of cleaning and and moving. Chris, Nik, and I navigated a large cabinet up the stairs near the gym, and put it into storage. We also brought a new table down from storage to put into the rink. This table will be used for injuries that occur in the rink and is located near the varsity locker room. Later on we did waters for the games, most of the games were cancelled due to weather, however the varsity lax alumni game was still held. After making the waters and putting them out, and made heal pads for taping ankles, which is ripping square patches and putting an adhesive on the squares so they can be stuck on the ankles of the athletes being taped. After practice taping three ankles it was time to go play in the alumni game.

Total hours: 5

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