Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday, May 18th (Day 8)

Today I started with breakfast and dish duty. Then from dish duty I went to medical science class. We discussed strokes for the most part, along with concussions. After class I met with Kelly in the athletic training room. We went over the 12 cranial nerves and how to test them, because they all factor in on concussions. From 10-11:15 I worked out with Nik Tasiopoulos and Oliver Moore. At 12:15 I reported to dish duty. At 1:30 Nik and I delivered all the water to the athletic fields for practices that day. When I returned I practiced taping Chris' ankle. Prior to that I took the standard concussion test on the computer, so I could see what it was like for athletes that take it when they think they have a concussion. I did a solid job, and look to improve more tomorrow. I also use Connor Toomey as an ankle taping volunteer. After that I had a pop quiz from Kelly on the 12 cranial nerves. I was not very prepared for the quiz. Tomorrow I am going to try to be more successful on the quiz. After that I tested Kelly for a concussion by testing all 12 cranial nerves. Then I used a simple sheet that involved memory for the most part, to test Kelly for a concussion. Chris and I also discussed periodization and how the plan for periodization is a power phase before your season, to make for optimal performance during the season. Sam Zamkow came in with a shoulder injury today, and yours truly was allowed to palpate and try to come up with a diagnosis. Unfortunately I was not able to come up with the same diagnosis as Kelly, however I palpated correctly, and said the source of the injury was right where Kelly said it was coming from. After Nik and I picked up waters in was around 5:15 and I had to run to dish duty.

Hours: 9:30-10 cranial nerves, 1:30 -5 cranial nerves, periodization, taping, assessments, water

Total Hours: 4 hours

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