Sunday, May 16, 2010

Saturday, May 15th (Day 6)

This was my sixth day in the athletic trainer's room. It was a slow and short day. I arrived at 10:30 and had to leave at 12 for the lacrosse game. When I was there we filled up water for baseball because it was the only game for that day. I went over high volt stim, russian stim, and TENS unit stim. We reviewed what the benefits of stim are and how they can help athletes. After that I taped ankles for practice and Kelly gave me homework for Monday. My homework is to research exercises for shoulders in the mid, late, and early stages. Then I have to find sport specific rehab for shoulders for hockey, baseball, and soccer. Monday will be a full day because the lacrosse season has ended, looking forward to many hours next week.

Hours: 1 hour 30 minutes water filling, ankle taping, shoulder review, stim review

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