Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday, May 12th (Day 3)

Today was a short day in the training room. I went to class at 9:05 and finished at 10. I met Kelly in the athletic room at 10:15. We filled up the water for the athletic competitions and ice coolers for injuries. Nik and I delivered them to all the fields after that. When we returned Kelly and I went over knee rehabilitation exercises for different stages in the injury and I performed them. Tonight I have to find sports specific exercises for knee injuries. After we went over the knee exercises and injuries, we went to lunch from 11:15 to 11:45. I practiced taping several ankles after that and checked out around 12:30. I went to my game from there, tough loss 11-8 to Holderness. Tomorrow I will report at 9.

Hours: 10:15-11:15 game preps and knee injury review, 11:45-12:30 ankle taping practice, ice/stretch athletes

Total Hours: 1 hour and 45 minutes


  1. Is taping the ankle the hardest type of taping to learn?

  2. in my opinion out of all the taping I did that was the most difficult for me.
