Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday, May 20th (Day 10)

Today I reported to the athletic training office at one, after going to assembly, working out, and eating lunch. I started out the afternoon performing a few ankle tapes and storing different shelves from the training room. Today we did a lot of cleaning and maintenance today that I didn't know was involved in the job. Before we got to all the cleaning and all that jazz, Nik, Hannah, and I learned how to backboard a person in a spine board, a very valuable skill to know. We learned that the person in control of the head and neck is the person in charge. They tell you when to tilt the person to a neutral position and when to let the person down. Then you strap them in with two diagonal straps across the chest and two straight across the legs. After we were done strapping and back boarding we moved a cabinet upstairs and other supplies because it is the end of the season and time to clean out the training room. After we did the moving, we went upstairs to get supplies. We stripped all the first aid kits and resupplied them. I got to learn what is necessary to be on hand when an injury occurs on the field and an athletic trainer isn't present or even when they are present. A lot of thought goes into what is needed in the medical kits. After we did the medical kits we went into cleaning mode. I vacuumed, cleaned off all the hard surfaces and tables for injured athletes. We cleaned out the ice machine and resupplied the drawers with all different kinds of tape that could be needed. We also cleaned out the heating pack heater, that contains hot water in order to heat the different size packs. One thing I forgot was that Chris taught me how to make a finger splint. Reconvene at 9:30 tomorrow morning.

Total Hours: 5

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