Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday, May 11th (Day 2)

I started the day off at 8 this morning. I went to breakfast then met Kelly in the athletic trainer's room at 9. We immediately started discussing three different types of knee injuries, ACL tears, patellar femoral tracking disorder, and Osteochrondral defect. I knew most information about ACL tears because I have had one myself. At ten Kelly went to advisory meeting. I met up with fellow senior project student, Matt Quinn. We went on a two mile run, did some lifting, and other exercises. By the time that was done with at 12:30 Kelly, Matt, and I called it quits and went to lunch. At 1:15 I returned to the athletic training room. Nik and I filled up the water and supplied all the athletic fields with a water jug. When we returned I started practicing ankle taping. It was more difficult than I thought it would be. I had to focus on doing all the steps in order and starting from the right side of depending on which ankle I was taping. I started off taping a wrinkled mess of tape around an ankle. I progressed to remembering all the parts, sometimes with a little of Kelly's help and finally taping a decent ankle. I must have taped 8 ankles within an hour, because I'm not very quick at getting them done. After I taped a few ankles, my ankle was taped so I could see how it should feel and look and compare it to my work. After the ankle taping I helped athletes stretch and ice and watched some more taping. I looked up several exercises for knee rehabilitation and showed Kelly them, after she saw them she decided to give me another night because I had trouble looking 5 different exercises for each stage of the rehabilitation. Tomorrow I have to show her all those exercises and perform them. At 3 I went out to practice until 5. At 5 I returned to the athletic training room and emptied all the waters from the field and cleaned them out, and finished up the day cleaning the tables in the athletic training room. Then Kelly and I had dinner. We will reconvene at 10 tomorrow morning.

Hours: 9-12:30 teachings on knee injuries/workout, 1:15-3 ankle taping and preparation for practices, 5-6 clean up from practices, help athletes after practice, clean athletic training room.

Workout Hours: 2 hours

Total Hours: 4 hours and 15 minutes

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