Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday, May 17th (Day 7)

Today I met Kelly at 9:20 for an athletic department meeting. At the meeting we discussed the new sign in process in the athletic training room for the most part. The new sign in process is electronic. The athlete has to sign their own code and password, then put their injury in. They only have to put their injury in the first time. So every time an athlete had to sign in today they had to input their sport, type of injury, how it happened, and when it happened. The process was slow today, but hopefully it will be quicker in the future. The goal is to manage athletes faster and get them to practice on time, and for coaches to be able to check their status from an itouch or some sort of hand held computer. From 10-11 I worked out. At 1 I filled the water jugs and brought them to each field. I went to medical science class at 1:30 after lunch, where we discussed more concussion topics. At 2:30 I returned to the athletic training room and helped everyone sign in that was receiving treatment. After the rush died down I went to the boys junior varsity lacrosse game with Kelly and Nik, and we watched making sure no injuries occurred. Luckily no injuries happened. By that time in was around 5. Kelly I went over my homework from the night before. We discussed ultrasound and shoulders. I have to redo my the sports specific injuries for the shoulder because they were not up to par. Nik and I went to clean up the fields and get water. When I got back we cleaned the jugs and tables. Kelly assigned me the 12 cranial nerves tomorrow because we are moving onto concussions. I meet with her at 9:30 after dish duty tomorrow.

Hours: 9:30-10 meeting, 2:30-6 watch jv game, filled empty waters, clean, work on shoulder exercises and understanding of ultrasound

Total Hours: 4 hours

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