Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday, May 10th (1st Day)

Today was my first day in the trainer's room. First thing today I reported to the trainers room at 9:30 for an athletic department meeting. The athletic director, school equipment manager, and assistant athletic trainer were present. We discussed the end of the year for the athletic department. Gregor, the athletic director created a survey for each of the three departments, that will be given to each of the head coaches this spring. The surveys include areas the three different departments could improve on in terms of their service for each team. After the meeting I went over the the trainer's room and read through the code of ethics for trainers. Most of the material for self-explanatory, as far as I could tell it was general social standards and part of a very basic hippocratic oath, where you don't expose information to a third party unless the person is a minor or has signed off on it. From 10-11:15 I worked out in the weight room. At 11 I headed back to my dorm and showered and dressed appropriately for my job in the afternoon. I at lunch at 12:15 then headed back to the trainer's room at 1. Then Kelly, my mentor for senior project talked to me about rehabilitating glutes. I found five different exercises for Kelly that rehabilitated glutes. Those exercises included butt kicks, flutter kicks, glute kickbacks, leg lifts, and one-legged cable kickbacks. After I performed those exercises, I discussed common knee problems with Kelly, and my homework tonight is to look up more information on knee injuries. I then helped Kelly fill water jugs for each field and deliver them. Afterwards, I went to my medical science class, after which I returned to the trainer's room at 2:30. I practiced stretching techniques on several athletes. I stretched mostly backs and hamstrings. I ran two injured lacrosse players through a warm up for there quads and ankles because both of those areas were injured. After cleaning and helping different athletes ice, I went to lacrosse practice from 4-5. I came back at 5 and picked up all the water jugs from the athletic fields and cleaned them. Then I practiced ankle taping which I need to work on because the steps are more complicated than I thought and there are many different ways to tape ankles for different ankle injuries. After taping and wiping down the trainer's room, I went to dinner with Kelly and we discussed our plan for the rest of the week. I will be meeting her when she get to work tomorrow at 9 a.m.

Hours for today: 9:30-12 meeting, code of ethics, workout, 1-1:30 water and ice for athletic team fields, 2:30-4 learned icing, warming up, and stretching techniques, 5-6 learned ankle taping and cleaned trainer's room.

Working out: 1 hour

Total time for today: 4 hours, and 30 minutes

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